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Overview of Tooth Extractions

Overview of Tooth Extractions

Overview of Tooth Extractions

Some situations may call for the removal of a tooth. This procedure, also known as exodontia, is performed by your local dentist. They can be performed for many reasons. Here’s a brief overview of the reasons why you might need to have a tooth extracted.

The Reasons You Might Need a Tooth Extract

Regularly, dental extractions of problematic or impacted teeth are performed. Wisdom teeth may have to be removed to make room for your permanent teeth. A tooth that is not in alignment, damaged or beyond repair may also be a reason. Sometimes, gum disease or periodontal disease is the primary reason a tooth needs to be removed.

What is the Extraction Process?

To extract the tooth, you will need to anesthetize the area. The socket will also need to be expanded in order to separate it from the ligament. The tooth will then slide out easily once this has been done. Tooth extractions are usually less painful than most people think. Depending on how deep the tooth is embedded within the gums, it may take longer than normal. Most cases can be completed in less than an hour.

How to Prepare for Your Tooth Extract

To examine your tooth, you’ll first need to make an appointment with a dentist. They will need to take x-rays as well as perform a physical exam. They may decide that it is impossible to save the tooth based on the information they have. They will then schedule an extraction date. Any medications you may be taking will need to discussed during the appointment. You should not take blood thinners. Antibiotics may be prescribed after the procedure is complete. Most people make a full recovery after the procedure.

What If You Have An Allergy To Anesthesia Or Bleeding Problems?

Your dentist will consult your doctor if anesthesia is required, such as for the removal of multiple wisdom teeth. The dentist will also need to know if there are any family histories of bleeding problems during surgery. They will discuss all your concerns before deciding on the best way to proceed. This is to make the procedure as painless as possible. Most people can complete the procedure quickly and without any bleeding or pain. Then, they will talk to their dentist about a dental bridge to replace the tooth.

Other Problems to Consider

Most people will be able to go through the whole procedure and the healing process without any problems. However, there may be some issues. Dry sockets, bone healing problems, and cardiac conditions could all be issues. These topics should be discussed if you or your patient are on renal dialysis. This information should be collected and processed quickly if the emergency calls for the immediate removal of the tooth.

Dr. Sawyer’s Dental Office is the best place to call if you live in Plumas County. They will schedule your first appointment. They can help with tooth extractions, no matter if it is an emergency or you are able to wait several days. Contact them at 1-530-283 2811 for more information.


Dr Gregory L. Sawyer DDS

Learning about your dental health is so important. Set an appointment today to see if I can help you! Call: 530-283-2811

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Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday
11 a.m.-7 p.m.
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2034 E Main St
Quincy, CA 95971

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