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What Is A Root Canal?

What Is A Root Canal?

What Is A Root Canal

One of the most traumatizing dental procedures that many people fear is getting a root canal. It has a reputation for being a very difficult and painful process. Here is an overview of what a root canal treatment is and what to expect when working with a local dentist near you.

One of the most traumatizing dental procedures that many people fear is getting a root canal. It has a reputation for being very difficult and painful process. However, is actually a very straightforward procedure. For those that are suffering with significant dental pain from a single tooth, a root canal may be exactly what they need. If you are able to contact a local dentist to provide you with one, they could end all of the pain that you are within a few hours. Here is an overview of what a root canal treatment is and what to expect when working with a local dentist near you.

What Is The Purpose Of A Root Canal

The primary purpose of a root canal is to eliminate a toothache by addressing the abscess and inflamed pulp that is inside of an infected tooth. The dentist will be able to remove not only the abscess, but the decay, and subsequently fill everything back so that the pain you are experiencing no longer occurs. It’s a relatively straightforward process, yet it does require multiple steps in order for the process to be completed.

The Process Of A Root Canal

In most cases, it begins with numbing the general area where the tooth is located. This will eliminate any pain that you would most likely feel. There are certain dentists that will recommend the use of anesthesia. However, laughing gas may also be provided. They will then place what is called a dental dam so they can isolate the area where they are working. Once the tooth is numb, they will then drill an access hole. It is through this whole that the pulp inside of the tooth will be extracted. They will then begin to shape the canals, fill the canals, and eventually seal the tooth
so that it will look completely natural.

What Is The Diagnosis For A Root Canal

The diagnosis typically begins with understanding what is causing the pain. It also depends on how you are experiencing the pain when it starts. If you are unable to drink hot or cold liquids, this is a sign that it may be needed. However, the dentist today will actually recommend relaxation exercises, or simply changing your schedule, to see if the pain subsides. These can be extremely expensive, costing thousands of dollars, which is why you may want to see if the pain subsides. However, if your gums get swollen, or even your entire jaw, along with excruciating pain that will not go away, they will likely recommend a root canal.

Once you have gone to a local dentist, and received a recommendation for a root canal, you can then go through the process. This is going to take several hours to complete, in most cases, and you will likely have a great deal of pain in your gums where the work was being done. Dr. Sawyer will be able to assist you if you are in the Quincy area. If you have not scheduled an appointment for several years, it might be time to go in. His team of professionals will offer you the best help and support imaginable. To set an appointment with Dr. Sawyer, contact them today.


Dr Gregory L. Sawyer DDS

Learning about your dental health is so important. Set an appointment today to see if I can help you! Call: 530-283-2811

General Information

Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday
11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Evenings & Saturday by Appointment

2034 E Main St
Quincy, CA 95971

In Business Since 1984


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