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Why Dental Checkups Are Essential

Why Dental Checkups Are Essential

Why Dental Checkups Are Essential

No matter what age, it is vital for everyone to take care of their teeth. Regular dental checks are essential for everyone, from children in grade school to seniors. Dental cleanings are highly recommended if you have teeth that are still healthy and don’t look like they were for decades. Every six months, at the most, you should have your teeth cleaned. You will be able to identify problems before they become costly and painful. These are some of the main reasons dental exams are essential.

To maintain good oral hygiene, you should schedule at most two annual checkups. For mild conditions to not become severe, regular dental checks are vital. Your dentist may recommend that patients with certain oral risks or pre-existing conditions have their teeth cleaned more often.
Why Dental Checkups Are Essential For Your Oral Health
Your dentist will detect any early problems, such as tooth decay, cavities and gum disease, during your dental checkup. Dental checkups can also help to prevent tartar and plaque buildup that can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

What Happens During A Dental Checkup?

You can expect to see a dentist and a dental assistant during your dental checkup. Your dental checkup will start with a professional cleaning of your teeth. This involves cleaning your teeth and removing plaque and tartar from your gum line. Your dentist will perform a thorough dental exam after cleaning your teeth. Your dentist will inspect your teeth and discuss your oral health. If necessary, they may recommend further dental work. Your condition may require your dentist to take x-rays or perform additional procedures, such as tooth whitening or cavity filling.

What To Do Between Dental Visits

Brush your teeth twice daily for good oral hygiene. Floss at least once per day. To prevent tooth decay, fluoride toothpaste and mouthwashes are recommended.

It might be time to visit the dentist if you haven’t been in a while. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Sawyer to meet with a dentist who can give you a comprehensive dental exam and a checkup. Schedule an appointment today if you have any questions about your dental health. 1-530-283-2811


Dr Gregory L. Sawyer DDS

Learning about your dental health is so important. Set an appointment today to see if I can help you! Call: 530-283-2811

General Information

Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday
11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Evenings & Saturday by Appointment

2034 E Main St
Quincy, CA 95971

In Business Since 1984


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